Violence Prevention

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Violence prevention is the reduction in physical force or power against individuals that may result in injury, neglect, and/or psychological harm. Violence can negatively impact mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being, which can result in injuries, infectious diseases, reproductive health problems, and mental health conditions. Studies have shown that proactive, preventative approaches reduce violence and improve health and safety.

Our approach to violence prevention includes:

  • Providing information and education on campus and online safety, healthy relationships, consent, conflict resolution, and bystander intervention.
  • Providing free, customized training to groups of campus stakeholders on topics related to identifying interpersonal violence, how to respond to students who disclose victimization, Mental Health First Aid, and Bystander Intervention.
  • Engaging in awareness events and programming for Stalking, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence Awareness Months
  • Collaborating with departments on campus and community partners through initiatives like the Sexual Assault Response Committee.
  • Conducting and reporting results of the annual Be Heard: Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey -link to most recent results-


Interpersonal violence is physical, sexual, or emotional violence that can occur between family, friends, intimate partners, acquaintances, or strangers. It can include bullying, harassment, hazing, stalking, dating and domestic assault, sexual assault, and child or elder maltreatment.

Students who have experienced such violence while enrolled at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale have the right to support from the University to help them continue their education. To report a crime or incident violence, click here. For more information about your options and places to find support, please click here.


Violence can occur anywhere, making it important for individuals to take safety precautions on campus and online. In general, you should lock doors and secure belongings, pay attention to your surroundings, report suspicious activity, and be knowledgeable about campus safety services, found here. Additionally, avoid walking and meeting people alone, always carry a cell phone, hide valuables, and refrain from providing personal information, especially your address. If you feel a threat, attempt to flee, call for help, and, if all else fails, comply with the attacker’s demands. However, it your life is in danger, use any defense you can to get away.


Bystander Intervention is recognizing a potentially harmful situation and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome. One should not put themselves in harms way, but can assume personal responsibility to seek help. Bystander Intervention training comprises tips to intervene early and discourage violence.