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Alcohol and Other Drugs

Regardless of whether you currently drink alcohol, are considering drinking alcohol in the future, or just want information to help those around you, it is important to have accurate information in order to make the right decision.

If you decide to use alcohol, there are many strategies you can utilize to keep yourself, your friends and others safer. Eating before and during drinking, alternating your drinks with water, and not mixing other drugs with alcohol are a few examples.  For more ideas on how you can party smarter and safer, click here!

Standard Drink Size

Not all drinks contain the same amount of alcohol, so the amount of liquid in your glass, can, or bottle does not necessarily match up to how much alcohol is actually in your drink. One unit of alcohol, or standard drink, is equal to 12oz of beer, 5oz of wine and 1.5 oz of hard liquor. Many alcoholic drinks are commonly served with more than one standard drink. Be sure to read the label to determine how many drinks you are consuming!

Standard Drink
Solo Cup

Blood Alcohol Content

Blood alcohol content (BAC) is the percent alcohol in the blood stream. BAC depends on many factors including: gender, metabolism, rate of consumption, number of drinks, medication use and food intake. Your BAC level correlates with different physiological effects of alcohol. Lower BAC levels (.01 - .06) tend to be associated with the positive effects of alcohol, whereas higher BAC levels (>.07) tend to be associated with the negative effects.

Estimate your BAC  or with a BAC chart.

Note: The linked calculator and chart are estimates only and should not be used to determine one's ability to drive after drinking. Please read disclaimer and click continue to get started.

Sobering Up

Our bodies can only metabolize, or get rid of, approximately one standard drink of alcohol per hour. Contrary to popular belief, caffeine, exercise, taking a shower or drinking water won’t help you sober up! There is no way of speeding up this process; TIME is the only solution!

How long does it take to sober up?

BAC Hours to Sober
.04 2.5 hours
.08 5 hours
.10 6.25 hours
.16 10 hours
.20 12.5 hours

Alcohol Poisoning

It is important to remember that alcohol consumption can be dangerous. Knowing what the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning are and what to do if you encounter someone who needs help can make a huge difference.

The common signs of alcohol poisoning are: unconsciousness, confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing, irregular breathing, blue/pale/ashen skin and cold or clammy skin.

If you encounter someone who is suffering from any of the above conditions, it is important to help them seek medical treatment.

DO: Call 911
DON'T: Leave them alone
DO: Stay with them until medical help arrives
DON'T: Give them food, drink or medication
DO: Make sure they can breathe and are in a safe location
DON'T: Put them in a cold shower/tub
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