AOD Resources

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Alcohol and Other Drugs

Alcohol and Other Drugs Resources for students, parents, guardians, family members, and faculty and staff.


The SIUC campus has resources available to students who may be concerned about their own alcohol or other drug use or the use of a friend.

Campus Resources:

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Alcoholics Anonymous is a state-wide recovery resource devoted to supporting the people of Illinois.

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Parents, Guardians and Family Members

Regardless of whether your student has consumed alcohol or other drugs in the past, it is likely that they will be faced with this decision once they reach campus. Research has shown that discussing alcohol and other drugs with your student has the ability to influence their decision to use and can help reduce their likelihood of experiencing negative consequences associated with use!

Discuss with your student:

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Faculty and Staff

Why is being engaged in campus AOD issues important for faculty and staff?

Substance use among college students impacts all aspects of University life, including:

Addressing substance abuse on campus is key to creating a healthy campus environment that promotes academic success.  At SIU, alcohol and other drug use is associated with lower GPA and greater academic impediments.

Reducing alcohol and other drug abuse allows staff to be more effective as educators. Faculty and staff have a significant amount of interaction with students and may be able to notice concerning behavior and refer the student for assistance.

How do I refer a student of concern?

If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a student, please contact:

If you are concerned about your safety or that of others, call 911.

 How can faculty and staff address alcohol and other drug abuse on campus?

  • If possible, schedule classes, exams and assignments for Fridays.
    • Students typically consume less alcohol on Thursday when they have classes, assignments or exams scheduled on Fridays. 2
    • Include a statement in your syllabus that use of alcohol or other drugs may negatively impact academic performance.
    • Correct misperceptions about alcohol use in your conversations with students.
      • “Everyone drinks” – not really. 18.6% of SIUC student don’t drink at all and the majority who do drink, don’t drink heavily (52.6%).
      • Communicate positive, harm reduction messages.
        • “Have a safe weekend.” “Make sure to stick with your friends.” “Call a cab or public transit to get home safely.”
      • Communicate and model responsible drinking behaviors.
      • Recognize red flags that may warrant a conversation or referral:
        • Misses classes
        • Grades declining
        • Academic probation
        • Smells of alcohol
        • Brags about high-risk behavior


1 Wechsler, H., Lee, J.E., Kuo, M., Seibring, M., Nelson, T.F., & Lee, H.  (2002).  Trends in college binge drinking during a period of increased prevention efforts.  Findings from 4 Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study surveys: 1993-2001.

2 Wood, P.K., Sher, K.J., & Rutledge, P.C.  (2007).  College student alcohol consumption, day of the week, and class schedule.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 31(7), 1195-1207.

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