Emergency Contraception

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Sexual health

Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception is birth control you can use to prevent pregnancy up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex. Emergency contraception is more effective when taken as soon as possible. There are currently three brands of emergency contraception:


Emergency Contraception is safe and effective and is available at the SIU Student Health Center's Pharmacy.

Many students who use condoms as their primary form of birth control choose to buy emergency contraception and keep it on hand incase an accident happens. Emergency contraception can be stored at room temperature.

Recent research suggests that Next Choice may not be effective for women who weigh over 160 pounds or have a BMI above 25. This is an average weight for American women ages 18-25. If you weigh more than 160 pounds or have a BMI over 25, Next Choice may not be effective. ella is effective for women who weigh more than 160 pounds, although this will require a prescription from a health care provider. Same day appointments may be available. Call Student Health Services and we will help get you an appointment as soon as possible.

If you require more information than what is provided here, have further questions, or would like to talk to someone in person about any sexual health topic, please make an appointment with a health care provider. If you need information immediately please call the Next Choice information line at (800) 330-1271(extended hours) to determine if Next Choice is right for you.

Where can you buy Next Choice? (most pharmacies and grocery stores)

Where can you buy ella?

Reminder: you must have a prescription

SIU pharmacy: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 pm

Online Resources: